Harm reduction projects

Harm reduction projects

Here’s a list of projects we collaborate with. Most of them have information about the risks of alcohol and other drugs and how to reduce them on their website.

Read more about our work abroad.

European Projects:

Connecting PINS

Safer Nightlife


CheckIt! is a collaboration between Sucht Hilfe Wien GmbH and the Institute for Labormedizin Klinisches of the General Hospital in Vienna. They focus mainly on testing drugs. But also inform via their website including data on drug and reduction of the risks that come with it.

Website: http://www.checkyourdrugs.at

Facebook: ChEckiT.Wien


Safe ‘n Sound was created from two regional peer support / harm reduction projects in nightlife: Vital Sounds in East and West Flanders, and Break Line in Antwerp. In 2015 both projects fused together and the scope was extended to the whole of Flanders.

Safe ‘n Sound is there for visitors to events, festivals and clubs in the electronic dance scene. At these sites you will find our peers in the Safe ‘n Sound-information booth. You can find information about alcohol and other recreational drugs. That is how we try to help lower the risks of those that use or are thinking about using.

Website: http://safensound.be

Facebook: safensound.be

Modus Vivendi


Crew2000 is a Scottish organization that specializes in information on drugs, harm reduction and sexual health. CREW2000 doesn’t convict or encouraged use, but understands that if people have more information about the effects and risks of drugs, it reduces the risk of accidents bu the people who still take the decision.

During the year the CREW2000 team visits festivals and parties throughout the country where they provide information and offer (small) medical assistance. At these events hundreds of people are helped and informed so that the pressure is reduced for the party organizer and medical services. This helps visitors stay safer. During these festivals there are also surveys conducted to monitor drug trends.

Facebook: Crew2000

The Loop UK

The Loop is a harm reduction project from the United Kingdom. They have set up drug checking services at festivals and community based drug checking.



Techno + was founded in 1995 from within the techno scene in France. It focuses mainly on France, but occasionally they also work at major events outside France. The organization consists entirely of volunteers.

With the foundation of the organization it was discovered that there was a lot of misinformation about drugs out there that can cause serious health damage, but there was very little accurate information available for this group. Having access to this information improve the user’s ability to make wise choices regarding substance usage. Since then the organization has been working on spreading good and correct information among as many possible users in the techno scene.

Techno + is thus born from a need in the scene and lack of information. Since then, policies have been redesigned to reduce the risks of recreational drug use. They are now aimed at providing information, own responsibility of the user and it does not prohibit drugs or suppress users.

Website: http://www.technoplus.org

Facebook: TechnoPlusAsso




DrugScouts is a drugs education project that is particularly geared towards harm reduction. The main goals of the project are: provide information on festivals, counseling of drug users, providing information on drugs and harm reduction via mail, Internet, flyers, telephone and face-to-face.

Website: https://drugscouts.de

Facebook: Drug-Scouts

Take Stuttgart

Alice project

Chill out


DAT2 team of volunteers visit goa / psytrance parties and festivals to raise awareness about drugs. They provide vitamins, drinking water, salty snacks, glucose, information and more. Psychological counseling, assistance with psychedelic (emergency) situations (‘bad trips’) spiritual crises and discussions on serious life issues are also given.

Website: http://www.daath.hu/dat2/psy-help

Facebook: psy.help.team


L.i.L.A. Piacenza

Lab 57


Party MAG-net


Check! N is a Portuguese foundation established in 2006. The project calls for the right to have fun, both independently as informed and make wise choices without being judged. The organization is active in parties where they provide harm reduction information about psychoactive drugs and safe sex. Activities undertaken include oral educate and flyers that provide information on resources and STDs, handing out condoms, drug testing and deal in drug-related crisis situations (‘bad trips’).

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/checkinfreemind

Facebook: checkin.freemind

Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento (Apdes)

Kosmicare is a harm reduction and drug checking organisation.


DrogArt is a foundation established in 1999 with the main objective to minimize risks of drug and alcohol use among young people. The main activities are the provision of information and advice and doing workshops, research and fieldwork at electronic music events. The core values of DrogArt are cooperation, assistance, development, education and training.

Website: http://www.drogart.org

Facebook: facebook.com/DrogArt


Energy Control was founded in Barcelona in 1997. They are the Spanish pioneer in the field of reducing risks in recreational use of drugs. They also offer a testing service to inform users about the composition of their drugs and advice on their use. This service has existed since 1999, but is now also offered internationally (for a fee). In addition, they go to parties and festivals to provide peer-to-peer education. They have a branch in Madrid and one in Barcelona.

Website: http://energycontrol.org

Facebook: energycontrol

United States of America

DanceSafe is a public health organization that works to promote health and safety in the night life and the electronic music scene. They are set up in the Bay Area in San Francisco in 1998. Dance Safe quickly grew into a national organization with branches in several major cities. They focus on harm reduction and peer-to-peer information on festivals, but also have an active online community that creates awareness of potential dangers of drugs in various social media with their Visionaries program. They also have an opportunity to test ecstasy through the program in collaboration with Erowid.org ecstasydata.org.

Website: http://dancesafe.org

Facebook: like.dancesafe